Friday, 10 June 2011

Dawn of the Final Day (24 Hours Remain)

Howdy folks, it's Mitch here. Cripes, we're on the last day of the Game Jam already! There's still some ways to go, but we're making progress and keeping up with all of our goals - mostly because our sadistic slavedrivers team coaches Leanne and Suneil have been whipping us motivating us so well, so that's pretty groovy

Gameplay-wise, all of the features we intended on included have been added; we haven't had to cut back very many features (we had planned on Jesus making an appearance, but alas, his role was subsumed by the Hail & Flame Miracle. Poor lad). After having played the game through, I've gotta say, it's pretty addictive! Leanne and Suneil have also given us some sounds to include for the various effects in the game (most having been made by Suneil himself), which is groovy.

In terms of artwork, all of the sprites and animation have been added in, and some last-minute tinkering is underway (namely adding in some new GUI textures and polishing up the interface), so we're almost ready to finish off! Sehr gut.

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